W dzisiejszym filmie mówiłam o tym, jak się grzecznie z kimś nie zgodzić, np. w sytuacji biznesowej. Poniże znjadziesz sposoby przedstawione w filmie oraz jeszcze kilka innych fraz. Możesz też pobrać je w formie fiszek do druku.
- I see what you’re saying but I think…
- I respect your point but from my perspective (or but in my opinion)…
- I take your point but that isn’t the way I see it; instead, I think that…
- True, that is a fair point, but I have to say I see it differently…
- I understand where you are coming from but…
- There is some truth to what you’re saying but don’t you think that…
- I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you on…
- I’m not sure I agree with you on…
- I don’t think you and I have the same opinion on this matter.
- I’m afraid I disagree.
- I’m sorry but I don’t see it the way you do.
- I don’t see it this way.
- I’m sorry but I disagree with you on this.
- I respectfully disagree.
- I have a completely different opinion on that.
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