Zadanie pierwsze. Wariant 1.


Przebieg przykładowej rozmowy z egzaminującym (E to egzaminujący, Z to zdający).

Na fioletowo zaznaczone są momenty, w których zdający poruszył daną kwestię, a na fioletowo rozwinięcie.

E: How are you?

Z: Thank you, I’m fine. And you?

E: I good too, thanks for asking.

Z: I have been thinking about our karaoke night. We will have to rent the sound equipment.

E: Yes, I agree. Do you have any ideas?

Z: I will take care of it. I play in a band so I have some knowledge about it.

E: OK, sounds good.

Z: Would you like to prepare a list of songs we will use? I don’t know many songs and I love your music taste.

E: Oh, thank you. I can do it.

Z: We have to invite people to our event. I can put an announcement on the board in front of the canteen.

E: I think it may not be enough.

Z: Hmm… how about creating a Facebook event too? We can invite our friends, and they may share it with others.

E: I like this idea.

Z: One more thing: drinks and snacks. How about ordering pizza? Everyone loves pizza!

E: I love that solution.

Z: Great. I will find a good pizzeria in the neighbourhood. Could you organize something to drink?

E: Yes, I can do it.

Z: Sounds like we have everything!

E: Yes, indeed.


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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.

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