Listę czasowników znajdziesz tutaj.
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika z nawiasu (czasownik z TO lub z końcówką -ING):
- Tom and Matt discussed ____________ (accept) new offer.
- I can’t help ____________ (laugh) whenever I watch “Home alone”.
- Ken attempted ____________ (sell) his car but he failed.
- Chris postponed ____________ (go) to China.
- Sam asked Maya ____________ (marry) her.
- My dog seems ____________ (be) sad today.
- I keep ____________ (get) lots of spam in my mailbox.
- Janny is looking forward to ____________ (see) her boyfriend.
- You shouldn’t risk ____________ (lose) money.
- George began ____________ (learn) Swedish.
- Terry chose ____________ (buy) a new car.
- Do you want ____________ (visit) the zoo this week?
- My mom suggested ___________ (buy) that dress.
- I will wait ____________ (see) if he comes.
- We won’t tolerate ____________ (lie) to the teachers.
- I miss ____________ (swim) in the warm sea.
- Jane doesn’t want to quit ____________ (smoke).
- Kevin tried not ____________ (cry) when he hurt his arm.
- I definitely recommend ____________ (watch) this film.
- Lisa stopped ____________ (work) 2 years ago.
- I regret ____________ (say) that but you house burnt.
- We agreed ____________ (lend) them the car.
- I would like ____________ (take up) swimming lessons.
- Imagine ____________ (have) a house by the sea.
- Jerry was begging her ____________ (stay).
- Do you enjoy ____________ (skate)?
- You deserve ____________ (get) this award.
- Gina failed ____________ (get) the license.
- We decided ____________ (sell) the house.
- Would you consider ____________ (move) to San Francisco?
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