Future Simple – ćwiczenia.

Teorię do tego zagadnienia znajdziesz tutaj.

1. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika w Future Simple.

  • A: “The phone is ringing.” B: “I _________________________ (get) it.
  • Lisa think her party _________________________ (win) the next election.
  • A: “I’m moving to a new house tomorrow.” B: “I _________________________ (come) and help you.”
  • If she passes the exam, she _________________________ (be) very amazed.
  • I _________________________ (be) there on time.
  • A: “I’m cold.” B: “I _________________________ (give) a blanket.”
  • A: “She’s late.” B: “Don’t worry she _________________________ (be) there.”
  • The meeting _________________________ (take) place next Monday.
  • If you eat all of that cake, you _________________________ (feel) sick.
  • They _________________________ (be) at home late in the evening.

2. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika, tak żeby powstały pytania.

  • ____________________ (they / come) to the party?
  • When ____________________ (you / get) back?
  • If you lose your job, what ____________________ (you / do)?
  • ____________________ (she / be) a good doctor?
  • What time ____________________ (the sun / rise) today?
  • ____________________ (she / get) the ticket?
  • ____________________ (Mark / be) at home this evening?
  • What ____________________ (the weather / be) like tomorrow?
  • There’s someone knocking, ____________________ (you / get) it?
  • How ____________________ (he / get) here?

3. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika, tak żeby powstały przeczenia.

  • I _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow.
  • The meeting _________________________ (not / take) on Monday.
  • A: “Go and tidy your room.” B: “I _________________________ (not / do) it!”
  • If it rains, we _________________________ (not / go) for a walk.
  • She _________________________ (not / pass) the exam, she didn’t study for it..
  • I _________________________ (not / come)by car because it broke down.
  • He _________________________ (not / buy) the car, he has no money.
  • He _________________________ (not / eat) the meat.
  • It _________________________ (not / snow) tomorrow, so we can go skiing.
  • We _________________________ (not / wait) for John, it’s too late.

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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.

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