Dziś odpowiem Ci o tym, jak poprosić, żeby ktoś powtórzył, kiedy nie dosłyszysz lub nie zrozumiesz.
Jak poprosić o powtórzenie – sposób nieformalny.
- Sorry?
- What was that?
- Could you run that by me again?
- I didn’t get that…
- Come again?
- Say it again.
- I don’t follow.
Jak poprosić o powtórzenie – sposób formalny.
- Would you mind repeating that?
- Excuse me?
- Pardon (me)?
- I beg your pardon?
- Could you repeat that, please?
- Could you say that again, please?
- I didn’t catch what you said.
- I’m sorry?
- Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
- Did you just say ______?
- Sorry, I still didn’t hear you.
- Speak louder, please?
- I’m hard of hearing?
- Sorry, I don’t know that word. What does it mean?
- Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please?
- Sorry, could you speak up, please?
- Could you tell me what it means?
Jak powiedzieć, że nie słyszysz w czasie tele, albo videokonferencji.
- Sorry, I can’t understand what you are saying.
- I can’t hear your voice…, could you repeat that?
- Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
- Sorry, I still didn’t hear you.
- Speak louder, please?
- Would you mind repeating that (speaking up), please.
- We are losing you.
- There are some problems with the connection and we don’t hear you well.
- Could please sit closer to the microphone?
Jak powiedzieć, że nie rozumiesz.
- I am sorry, I don’t understand what … means. Could you explain?
- Could rephrase the sentence please?
- Did you mean… by saying …?
- COuld you put it in a different way?
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Super! dziekujemy Sandra!