Teorię do tych zadań znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika TO BE w czasie przeszłym.
- How many people __________ at the party last weekend?
- The book __________ very interesting.
- Those __________ my best jeans.
- Elephants __________ very tired.
- __________ your friends at school yesterday?
- Barbara __________ not at the cinema yesterday.
- You __________ so impolite for me!
- __________ your parents doctors?
- Lisa and I __________ in the shop.
- __________ your parents in the cafe? Yes, they __________ .
- My sister __________ a nurse. She wasn’t a doctor.
- I __________ thin when I was a teenager.
- When I __________ younger, I played football after school.
- We __________ away on holidays in March.
- __________ you at the cinema yesterday?
- Ten years ago, my son __________ a baby.
- __________ the exam easy?
- The film __________ exciting.
- __________ there many people in the cinema?
- __________ the kids in the park?
- Her name __________ Alicia.
- He __________ sad.
- __________ there many boys at the football game?
- The books __________ in the library.
- __________ Tom in the theatre?
2. Uzupełnij zdania przeczącą formą czasownika TO BE w czasie przeszłym.
- I’m here today but I __________ here yesterday.
- Lily is tall now but she __________ tall last year.
- It is sunny today but it __________ yesterday.
- Mr. Jenkins is happy now but he __________ an hour ago.
- The shops are open today but they __________ on Sunday.
- My car is dirty today but it __________ yesterday.
- My husband isn’t at work now but he __________ an hour ago.
- The students are in class today but they __________last week.
- It isn’t warm now but it __________ yesterday.
- We aren’t hungry now but we __________ twenty minutes ago.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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