Teorię do tego wpisu znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Utwórz prawidłowe zdania używając czasowników w nawiasie.
- He __________ (cook).
- __________ she __________ (play) cards?
- I __________ (not cry).
- You __________ (not feel) well.
- Where __________ I __________ (go) when I met you?
- She __________ (not sleep) at midnight.
- __________ I __________ (work)?
- __________ you __________ (sleep) when I got home?
- __________ it __________ (rain) at lunchtime?
- What __________ you __________ (do)?
- Why __________ she __________ (run)?
- You __________ (not read).
- How __________ we __________ (do) at that time?
- He __________ (not watch) a film at 3pm.
- I __________ (do) my homework at eight o’clock.
- Where __________ it __________ (rain)?
- You __________ (shop) when I called you.
- She __________ (eat) dinner when we arrived.
- __________ he __________ (live) in Tokyo at the time?
- __________ it __________ (rain)?
2. Fill in the blanks with a correct form of PAST CONTINUOUS:
- Jane hurt her ankle while she ______________ (skate).
- I met my neighbor while I ______________ (mow) the lawn.
- Jessie saw a friend while she ______________ (ride) her bicycle.
- Karen fell asleep while he ______________ (study).
- William stepped on Jane’s feet while they ______________ (dance).
- I cut my finger while I ______________ (cook) dinner.
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith burned themselves while they ______________(bake) cookies.
- Tommy had a nightmare while he ______________(sleep) in a tent.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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