Teorię do tego zagadnienia znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Uzupełnij odpowiednią formą przymiotnika w nawiasie.
- Squirrels are _____ (big) than hamsters.
- He isn’t as _____ (tall) as most of the basketball players.
- I think Mission Impossible 2 is _____ (interesting) than next parts.
- I think my block of flats is ____ (high) than yours.
- Susie is as ____ (old) as Lisa.
- Kevin is ____ (young) than his brother John.
- Ted isn’t as ____ (talkative) as Mary.
- I am ____ (brave) than Tom.
- Do you think you are a _____ (good) football player than Jason?
- Carl isn’t as ______ (wealthy) as Harv is.
2. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując TOO lub ENOUGH.
- This bedroom is ____ small for 3 kids.
- I don’t like when it’s ____ hot.
- Kevin is not smart ____ to take part in Maths competition.
- Rose isn’t confident ____ to lead the presentation.
- Terry is ____ young to go on a summer camp alone.
- Eve is not old ____ to drive a car.
- Thomas and Evelyn are ____ inexperienced to become supervisors.
- This car is ____ small for our family.
- Susan said that Adam wasn’t trustworthy ____ to be her boyfriend.
- Gina is ____ tired to cook dinner.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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