Teoretyczne wiadomości do tego tematu znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Wstaw przedimek A lub AN przed poniższymi rzeczownikami.
- _____ egg
- _____ fireplace
- _____ house
- _____ yeti
- _____ hour
- _____ year
- _____ suit
- _____ eye
- _____ child
- _____ banana
- _____ apple
- _____ giraffe
- _____ box
- _____ nose
- _____ chair
- _____ doctor
- _____ T-shirt
- _____ table
- _____ kitchen
- _____ computer
- _____ desk
- _____ course
- _____ yacht
2. Wstaw A, AN lub THE, albo znak “-” tam gdzie nie powinno być żadnego przedimka.
- This is __ cat. __ cat is black and white.
- Tom lives in __ USA and Catherine comes from __ England.
- I eat __ breakfast in __ morning on __ Sundays.
- Jenny is __ doctor. She started work in __ June.
- __ Asia is __ biggest continent.
- Look! It’s __ puppy. __ puppy is sick. Let’s take it to __ vet.
- __ Barcelona isn’t the capital of __ Spain.
- Do you have __ book?
- Is there __ apple in the kitchen?
- This cat is __ first pet I have ever had.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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