Teoretyczne wyjaśnienie tego zagadnienia znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Użyj odpowiedniego przymiotnika dzierżawczego (MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR, THEIR).
- Tom – his book;
- a dog – __________ bone;
- kids – _________ toys;
- Mary and I – _________ homework;
- a flower – _________ leaves;
- Mike and Tom – _________ cars;
- you and Chris – _________ jackets;
- car – _________ wheel;
- I – _________ notebook;
- Alex and Karen – _________ furniture;
2. Wybierz odpowiednie słowo.
- Her/ She name is Alice.
- He/It is a dog.
- His/Her/He/She name is Adam.
- We/Our house is by the sea.
- We/Our live in the USA.
- I/My town is small.
- I like you/your sandwich.
- This is they’re/their car.
- Jane loves her/she’s dog.
- This is not you’re/your pen.
- Donna doesn’t like our/we house.
- When is your/you friend coming?
- Who is their/they’re best friend?
- I can’t find my/you’re keys.
- Do you have his/he’s pencil?
- Is it her/he’s mom?
3. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim przymiotnikiem dzierżawczym lub zaimkiem osobowym.
___ name is Jenny. ___ am 18 years old. This is my brother. ___ name’s Mark. ___ is 21. ___ live in Sydney. ___ are Australians. ___ country is beautiful. ___ parents are Maria and Alex. ___ are 41.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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