Teoretyczne wiadomości do tego tematu znajdziesz tutaj.
1. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując THERE IS lub THERE ARE.
- _________ two dogs in the yard.
- _________ a cat and a dog in the house.
- _________ some apples in the kitchen.
- _________ many books in the library.
- _________ a gym in our school.
- _________ a chapel in the hospital.
- _________ beautiful mountains in Poland.
- _________ many surgeons in the hospital.
- _________ a baby in the bathroom.
- _________ a big problem with my car.
2. Zamień powyższe zdania na przeczenia.
3. Zamień zdania z zadania pierwszego na pytania.
4. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując there isn’t/ there aren’t.
- I am sorry, _________ any messages for you.
- We can’t cook an omelette. ________ any eggs left.
- _________ a teacher in the class.
- _________ any apples in the shop.
- _________ a bus from here to Gdańsk.
- _________ any money in my wallet, so I can’t lend anything.
- I can’t bake a cake, because ________ any sugar.
- _________ any kids in my block of flats.
- It’s sunny today, _______ any clouds in the sky.
- _________ three bedrooms in Jim’s house.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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