Jak napisać rozprawkę ZA i PRZECIW z dwoma argumentami:
W tym rodzaju rozprawki opisujesz główną wadę i główną zaletę.
Jak napisać wstęp:
Każdy wstęp musi zawierać 3 elementy: wprowadzenie do tematu, tezę i przedstawienie argumentów. Te 3 zdania zajmą już ok. 50 słów, więc nie musisz więcej pisać.
Temat rozprawki na którym pokażę Ci strukturę będzie następujący:
People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of communication technology and transportation.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Zdanie 1. Wprowadzenie do tematu.
Podobnie jak ostatnim razem parafrazujemy:
On account of the growth of communication devices and availability of different means of transport people have a possibility to settle down wherever they choose to.
Zdanie 2. Pokazanie opinii.
W tego typu eseju podajesz w tezie co jest główną zaletą a co główną wadą.
The main advantage is a variety of places to live and the most significant disadvantage is being alone in new reality.
Zdanie 3. Pokazanie argumentów.
W ostatnim zdaniu pokazujesz w jakiej kolejności będziesz omawiać swoje argumenty.
This essay will discuss an immense variety of destinations followed by the analysis of loneliness in the new circumstances. The main advantage is a variety of places to live and the most significant disadvantage is being alone in new reality.
Cały nasz wstęp wygląda tak:
On account of the growth of communication devices and availability of different means of transport people have a possibility to settle down wherever they choose to. This essay will discuss an immense variety of destinations followed by the analysis of loneliness in the new circumstances. The main advantage is a variety of places to live and the most significant disadvantage is being alone in new reality.
Jak napisać rozwinięcie:
Twoje rozwinięcie będzie zawierać 2 argumenty(jeden dla wad, drugi dla zalety).
Każdy paragraf powinien zawierać te trzy elementy:
- Tzw. TOPIC SENTENCE, który przedstawia nam myśl przewodnią.
- Wyjaśnienie.
- Przykład – dane nie muszą być prawdziwe.
Firstly, thanks to easy communication people are able to move almost wherever they want. Not only can they travel to visit their families quicker and in the matter of hours, but also they can talk to one another or see them on video chats every time they want. There is an increasing number of people who decide to live another city or country due to shortening the distance between them and their loved ones staying in the home town.
Secondly, people who decide to move to another plays need to face the loneliness since their relatives are not there. They have to start their lives over. It can be difficult to make new friends. Moreover if they settle in a foreign country they must deal with language barrier. As we can learn from the surveys the majority of them claim that it is hard to get used to those new circumstances without having their loved ones by their side.
Jak napisać zakończenie:
Często sprawia to problem. Zapamiętaj kilka zasad:
- nie możesz dodać tu nowych argumentów;
- nie lej wody;
- zakończenie ma być krótkie i na temat;
- musisz powtórzyć w nim opinię ze wstępu, oczywiście innymi słowami;
- upewnij się, że odpowiedziałeś na pytanie;
- Najlepszymi słowami żeby rozpocząć tę część są: „In conclusion”, „To conclude”.
Co będzie zawierało Twoje zakończenie?
- Powtórzenie tezy ze wstępu.
In conclusion, this essay has shown that the main advantage of freedom in choosing the place to live is the opportunity to constantly be in touch with the family and the biggest drawback is feeling lonely while dealing with the new circumstances.
Cała rozprawka wygląda tak:
On account of the growth of communication devices and availability of different means of transport people have a possibility to settle down wherever they choose to. This essay will discuss an immense variety of destinations followed by the analysis of loneliness in the new circumstances. The main advantage is a variety of places to live and the most significant disadvantage is being alone in new reality.
Firstly, thanks to easy communication people are able to move almost wherever they want. Not only can they travel to visit their families quicker and in the matter of hours, but also they can talk to one another or see them on video chats every time they want. There is an increasing number of people who decide to live another city or country due to shortening the distance between them and their loved ones staying in the home town.
Secondly, people who decide to move to another plays need to face the loneliness since their relatives are not there. They have to start their lives over. It can be difficult to make new friends. Moreover if they settle in a foreign country they must deal with language barrier. As we can learn from the surveys the majority of them claim that it is hard to get used to those new circumstances without having their loved ones by their side.
In conclusion, this essay has shown that the main advantage of freedom in choosing the place to live is the opportunity to constantly be in touch with the family and the biggest drawback is feeling lonely while dealing with the new circumstances.
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