Opis obrazka:
The picture must have been taken at the zoo. I see three elephants and a restaurant in the background. This must be a warm summer day, because the sky is clear. There are many trees and bushes in this picture, but the walk for the animals seems to be dry as there are no plants except the grass.
Do people enjoy trips to a zoo? Why? Why not?
I haven’t been at the zoo for quite a long time but I remember that I loved to go there when a was a child. I think a lot of people like it. Such a trip gives us an opportunity to spend time outdoors with our family. Moreover we can see many interesting animals that we may not know. We can observe their behavior which is pretty entertaining.
What are some good and bad sides of keeping animals in the zoos?
The possibility to see the animals is definitely an advantage. If it wasn’t because of the zoos many species would be extinct by now. We can breed animals in the zoos and then try reintroducing them to their natural environment. On the contrary, animals in the zoos are not free. Rarely do they have enough space because, the area is limited. I am sure that those creatures would be much happier in the wild.
Do you remember your first visit in the zoo?
I was a small child so I can’t recall all the details. I went there with my parents and my sister. I remember that it was very hot and we were eating ice-cream. I wanted to see the lion, and I was very sad because it was sleeping. That’s all that I can recall.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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