Opis obrazka:
This is an outstanding picture. In the foreground there are some people skiing. I believe they are standing on the top of the ski slope. All of them are wearing warm winter clothes. Some of the skiers have helmets on their heads. In the background we see an exceptional landscape revealing. It’s a beautiful and sunny winter day in the mountains. I wish I was there now!
How are the people in the picture spending their time?
I guess they ski a lot during their winter holidays. After skiing they are probably going to a local restaurant to drink a hot beverage and eat a meal to recharge the energy and have fun with their friends.
More people decide to spend their holiday time in an active way. Why?
As far as I am concerned people are more aware of the positive aspects of being active. Doing sports or even going for regular walks couple times a week increases one’s fitness tremendously. Moreover, it is rather fashionable nowadays to be fit and healthy.
How did you spend your last holidays?
My last holidays… I was in Italy with my family. We were visiting amazing places for a week, and then we stayed on the beach for a week just wanting to relax. I saw most of the world famous places like Rome or Venice. It was such an unforgettable experience.
Chcesz więcej tego typu zadań i przykładowymi odpowiedziami i dodatkowymi ćwiczeniami? Znajdziesz je w kursie Matura ustna z angielskiego? Piece of cake!
Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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