Przebieg przykładowej rozmowy z egzaminującym (E to egzaminujący, Z to zdający).
Na fioletowo zaznaczone są momenty, w których zdający poruszył daną kwestię, a na fioletowo rozwinięcie.
E: Hi! How are you?
Z: Thank you, I’m great. And you?
E: I good too, thanks for asking.
Z: I have been exercising a lot recently because I want to get fitter. I think physical activities are crucial if you want to be in shape and have a healthy lifestyle.
E: Why do you think so?
Z: Well, a small workout every day makes our bodies stronger but also it is good for our brains. When we live a sedentary lifestyle we become lazier and our muscles get week. I believe that even if we sit at work we should move a little during our free time. Not just sit and watch TV.
E: That is interesting.
Z: Of course without a good healthy diet it will be much harder for us to stay in shape. The right diet should be well balanced and have all the nutritions our body needs.
E: I fully agree.
Z: Moreover we should avoid things such as alcohol, drugs, nicotine and other addictions. They destroy our physical and emotional health.
E: Wow, I learnt a lot about healthy lifestyle.
Chcesz więcej tego typu zadań i przykładowymi odpowiedziami i dodatkowymi ćwiczeniami? Sprawdź kurs: Matura ustna z angielskiego? Piece of cake!
Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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