Twój kolega jest przybity po rozstaniu z dziewczyną. W które miejsce zabierzesz go, aby poprawić mu humor? Uzasadnij swój wybór i uzasadnij dlaczego odrzucasz dwie pozostałe możliwości.
My friend loves food and spending time with people, so I assume the second option would be perfect for him. Moreover a good meal in a great company can cheer everyone up. It would be an opportunity for him to talk with others and forget about the break-up.
I guess a funfair is not an appropriate choice since he has a fear of heights and doesn’t enjoy the rides. I wouldn’t choose a concert either as the artists often sing love songs which could affect my friend’s mood in a negative way.
How important is friendship for people?
From my point of view everyone should have a friend. At least one person who we can talk to, spend time and have fun with. Hardly ever are lonely people happy. We need to bond with others to feel truly fulfilled. Oftentimes people get depressed because they have no one they could share their lives with. That’s why it’s crucial to have a friend or a group of people around
What are the most common ways to spend free time among young people.
There are many ways. In my experience I say that young people spend a lot of time with their peers. They like activities such as bowling and doing other sports. They choose to go to the cinema or they go and have pizza or some burgers. On the contrary to the common opinion, young people like spending time outdoors, having fun with their friends.
Chcesz więcej tego typu zadań i przykładowymi odpowiedziami i dodatkowymi ćwiczeniami? Znajdziesz je w kursie Matura ustna z angielskiego? Piece of cake!
Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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