Które z przedstawionych zdjęć przedstawia wg. Ciebie najlepszy sposób dbania o zdrowie. Uzasadnij swój wybór i powiedz dlaczego odrzucasz dwie pozostałe opcje.
I choose the third picture because I believe that you are what you eat. In my opinion if someone eats healthy products they will feel better and they will be fit. I personally think that having a balanced diet full of fruit and vegetables, low-fat and low-calorie food will be almost enough to stay healthy. On the other hand if someone exercises a lot but eats junk food they will have health issues.
Honestly I rejected the first picture because I could choose only one option. I am strongly convinced that working out is equally important as eating healthy food.
I also don’t think that taking pill will help you stay healthy. In my opinion it is better to eat natural vitamins in form of fruit and vegetables.
Pytanie 1. Why do you think more and more people nowadays pay attention to their health?
I am not a lifestyle expert but I think it is a growing awareness. More and more people have knowledge about healthy and lifestyle. Moreover that knowledge is more accessible due to the Internet. People used to think that smoking causes no harm. Now they know it is not true. Probably our opinion about lifestyle and health is changing too.
Pytanie 2. How a good diet should look like?
Firstly a good diet should be balanced. It should contain all the nutritions such as proteins, carbs, fats and fibre in the right proportion. I don’t believe in diets that tell you to eliminate some of these ingredients completely. From my point of view a health diet should also contain a lot of fresh food such as fruits and vegetables.
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Copyright by Sandra Winiarska, 2018.
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